Thursday, January 31, 2008

Learning can be very yummy!

I don't think we as Mom's realize the little things we do everyday that we can turn into learning experiences for our children. For example I was putting the dishes away and started to put the silverware away and it dawned on me that this would be a good sorting activity for Mason so I got all the silverware and the tray it goes in and sat on the floor then invited Mason to come help me he then proceded to divide the spoons, forks and knives in the tray and he thought it was great fun...Ok onto my topic for our classroom today which is baking yet another thing we as moms probably do with our children that can be so educational. We discussed ingredients (language) encouraged Mason to name them. Did lots of measuring and counting (math skills) you can count amounts of ingredients, how many stirs, how many eggs, how many chocolate chips...etc... and lots of dumping, pouring, stirring, cracking and licking (fine motor and fun skills:) Learning can be very yummy!