Friday, March 28, 2008

Big and Little

Some things are BIG and some things are little. Today we went around the house and found those things that are Opposites! Great fun, Mason thoroughly enjoyed the comparing process and as always great for vocab! Extensions we will do are long and short, high and low, and over and under.


I love the art of building... I don't know if its the fact that my father was a carpenter and I was around many of the houses he built or if its the whole making things with your hands that's attractive but to me it truly is a form of art no matter how raw. I have tried to introduce this to Mason with a few "building projects" He always wants to build a house so we have made a couple practice ones that were as simple as two pieces of wood nailed together. However finally the other day we collected some scrap wood from the garage and drew a rough design of the house ( with lots of help from mommy) Then when Daddy got home from work our lesson on creating began and our house turned out very well. (Mason and Mommy later added paint as well)

Water Play

Buckets, water, cups, toys lots of Sensory fun!

Monday, March 17, 2008


For Our Classroom we made a Volcano. I printed a few pictures offline of Volcano's we discussed some very "simple" facts about them since Mason is still pretty young and then got to work making our own Volcano. We started by taking all some play dough and mixing up some of the colors, we rolled and smashed and then began shaping our dough into a volcano shape(mommy did most of this part). Then Mason stuck a marker down the middle of it to create a hole for our lava to go in.. We then filled it with baking soda and poured vinegar down the hole to create our ERUPTION! Mason thought this was sooooooo much fun and wanted to make it erupt again and again until we found our selves out of baking soda:)

Egg Plants

This is the first of many things we will plant as spring approaches. This is an "Egg Plant" I had never seen these before but it is a ceramic egg filled with soil and a marigold plant. You are supposed to crack the top of the egg and then water it like you would any other plant however I would suggest that an adult cracks it because Mason got a little carried away and cracked the whole thing leaving not to much of a pot for our flower to grow in. Stay tuned for pics to see if anything grows. Also you could easily do this with real egg shells hollow them out and place a seed and soil it would be more of a learning process for kids and a great thing to do at Easter I think we will try that next year.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Easter Time

Easter is almost here so we started things off by making finger bunnies and thumbprint chicks. This was very easy and so cute! We had alot of discussion about mixing paint and when two colors mix together they "magically" turn into a new color. For bunnies you just dip first two finger and pad of had in paint and for chicks just dip the thumb. We did a couple pages of chicks which were Mason's favorite and he had me adding hats to them and balls to play with it was pretty funny and mommy loved decorating them.

The letter C

The letter C! C is for Car! Sorry its crooked I was to lazy to rotate it. Mason's love of cars definitly made him interested in this letter! C ya later!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


We have been trying to learn a little about Weather lately at least the basics that is. Its a perfect time of year with the weather being so funky we have actually got to witness all three of the types of weather hung on our Weather Mobil in the past week or so. Its just a cheap plastic hanger, construction paper cut into various weather shapes (sun, cloud, snow etc..) and then hung with yarn on our hanger now everyday I have Mason pick out which one matches our weather outside.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Animal Crackers...

Gorilla in a tree

We have all at one time eaten an Animal Cracker and made the noise of the tiger or bear.....In Our Classroom today we played on that by first going on a nature walk to find items for our jungle. We then took a piece of cardboard and painted it for our base glued on our outdoor items and finally painted our animal crackers. The animals could then roam and play in the jungle we made. Play with your Food!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Today we learned about ourselves! Our eyes and nose and mouth and bodies, etc... I traced both of the boys bodies onto poster board then we added eyes, yarn hair and buttons on our shirts then colored our clothes. This was a great labeling activity and most important for us right now a great language activity. This encouraged so much language by having him discuss each part with me as well as his need to say his own name. Self awareness skills are so important at this age and this activity really capitalizes on that aspect. Plus how cute is Mason laying next to his creation of himself!